18 March 2017

Uher Hymn: 3 Verses — the Annunciation

John William Waterhouse

The following are three verses from a much longer hymn of mine upon the theme of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St Elisabeth. These three verses are exceptionally appropriate for the Feast or Solemnity of the Annunciation. 

As the author I grant any Christian community or choir permission to print the following text provided it is for one occasion only and includes my name and copyright.

Lo, how she brings Life with her
Concealed beneath her heart,
Eve's daughter, brave and chosen,
God's partner to his art.
Her will knit with divine will
Desires his Word be done.
For God she weaves within her
The body of their Son.

All ages call her blessèd

Just as she once foretold.
Blest is she amongst women,
Her Child blest from of old.
Blest is she who believes God
Who carries God's true Word.
Her Son both God and human
Fulfils great Gabriel's word.

Our Saviour, God of mercy,

Remembers Abraham's fold.
Praise God who casts down tyrants.
Rejoice! Our God is bold.
So sing we with blest Mary
To magnify the Lord
Who raised up his handmaiden.
Oh, holy is the Lord!

Copyright © 2006 by Vincent William Uher III

This may be sung to the Bohemian Brethren tune Far Off Lands which can be found in The Hymnal 1940
It may also be sung to the lovely tune Wie lieblich ist der Maien
+Ave Maria!