21 December 2012

Of Holy Innocents


In the Church after Christmas we remember a horror in which King Herod killed all the little boys of Bethlehem. We do not focus on Herod on this occasion but rather we focus on the little boys: we call it the Feast of the Holy Innocents.

I always pray for innocent children who have been murdered in peace time or war time during the past year. I intend to remember the little children in Connecticut by name. They are all safe in God's arms of Divine Mercy, but this is little comfort to the living on Earth who have seen the face of the Fallen Angel in an act of complete human depravity. Yet with time the reality that the little ones and all innocents are safe with God does help the survivors to go on if they have faith, but it will be difficult if not a lifelong work to continue on and to struggle with the unanswerable.

We have little background for dealing with the Face of the Fallen Angel when it appears in the eyes of a human traitor to humanity. But as Elie Wiesel advised after the Holocaust:  one must not lose faith -- no matter how impossible faith seems -- because otherwise Evil would win yet another victory, and Evil must not win at our own hands.

So for all who struggle with faith or grieve the innocents, I bid you Peace to your heart, the Peace that surpasses our human understanding, the Peace that is eternal life in the Living God who loves us all and waits for us with open arms... to dry away the tears of Earth, to restore what was stolen, to heal what was broken, and to renew in perpetuity the bond of love and life between the human and the Divine.

It is the Child Jesus who makes this hope of heaven a reality.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.
The Peace fo the Lord be always with you.

+Veni Emmanuel!