24 July 2012

Why oh Why

A friend I shall call Brother Jeremy has written me wondering why the Ordinariates have not simply authorised the Anglican Breviary, the English Missal, the Anglican Missal and the several Anglican Monastic Diurnals ... together with some additional rubrics concerning feasts to be added or omitted.

I have no answer.  Clearly, Anglicanorum coetibus implied as much and left the door open wide for such a generous provision of beloved liturgical books ... even if only on an interim basis.  Why everything is so narrow and secretive is anybody's guess.  Perhaps the Anglicanae traditiones commission will have a 'rethink' on these matters and decide to err on the side of generous provision.  Good St. Jude, pray for us.

Most important is that the Commission should at once reauthorise the marriage and burial rites of The Book of Divine Worship to stand alongside of the new marriage and funeral services for at least a period of five years.   

In the meantime I hope the Ordinariate in America will have the pastoral good sense to grant to longtime Anglican Use parishioners the right to be buried with The Book of Divine Worship burial rite if it is so desired.   