18 July 2012

Instructed Vesting, Proskomide, and Liturgy

Archbishop Lazar Puhalo of the OCA 

2 helpful videos on the Orthodox Liturgy and its preparatory rites.

Some of Archbishop LAZAR's commentary is magnificent, and the two videos are definitely worth watching and viewing again.  Some will remember the good archbishop as Deacon Lev Puhalo who took on Seraphim Rose and Rose's presentation of the 'aerial tollhouse' theorgy of the afterlife as dogmatically true.  Deacon Lev went in the opposite direction making claims about which no one could be certain; however, his opposition to Rose gave hope to many Orthodox who did not believe the 'aerial tollhouse' afterlife theory and believed it underminded the seriousness and validity of Orthodoxy's actual doctrinal claims.

+Kyrie eleison imas.